Nahum Daniels, Author at Integrated Retirement Advisors - Page 4 of 7

Planning for Market Downturns in Retirement



Beware retiring into the “best of times” (the longest-duration bull market in American history, reached in August 2018 after starting its climb in March 2009) because markets are cyclical.

What goes up must (eventually) come down as sure as night follows day, winter follows summer and bear markets follow on bull runs. When the stock market becomes historically expensive, as some metrics including the Shiller CAPE suggest today, research shows it’s often a predictor of below-average future returns that could last a decade or more.

Retiring into a down market will be especially painful for buy-and-hold investors taking withdrawals from their nest eggs. Consider an unlucky 65-year-old who retires on a stock portfolio worth $1 million and withdraws 4% a year adjusted for inflation. If, after taking $40,000 the portfolio loses 40% of its value in a downturn, he or she will have just $576,000 left to fund a retirement that could last 30 years or more. The tough choice: take another $40,000 at the start of year 2 and reduce one’s life savings by almost half over the first year-and-a-day of retirement (a result that might qualify as a catastrophe) or tighten one’s belt and take as little as possible from the portfolio in year 2 (and thereafter) to buy time for asset values to recover (there goes your lifestyle).

Since returns in the first five or ten years of retirement matter most in shaping the long-term outcome, the market’s run-up since 2009 and its potential retrenchment in the years ahead actually pose a tremendous risk to retirement portfolios going forward. Isn’t that ironic?

How to hedge? Conventional advice runs from cash to bonds to reverse mortgages, all imperfect solutions.

    1. Build a cash cushion into your nest egg and take a barbell approach. Set aside five years of living expenses (about $220,000 in our example) so you won’t panic or sell your stocks at depressed prices. Instead the cash buys time allowing you to remain calm in the face of financial calamity and await a recovery. The drawback is that the low returns on cash (effectively 1%?) will drag down your portfolio’s long-term returns. And what if the downturn lasts longer than 5 years? Or consider the obverse: what if the snap-back occurs quickly and over 20% of your portfolio is on the sidelines, missing the recovery entirely?
    2. Diversify between stocks and bonds and actively re-balance between them. Rather than revert to cash, use bonds because they can earn more than cash with much less downside risk than stocks. This is the classic “diversified” portfolio that balances stocks and bonds and keeps the ratio (60-40, say) intact through thick and thin. Thus, if you’re indexed to the S&P 500 in your $1 million portfolio and we get a repeat of the 37% drop experienced in 2008, your equity position will have been reduced to $378,000 and your bond position may have increased from $400,000 to about $422,000. Your total portfolio ($800,000) is now balanced 47% stocks and 53% bonds so your investment “policy” requires selling bonds and buying stocks to get back to the 60%/40% ratio. Theoretically, you’d be selling bonds high and buying stocks low, which is a good practice. Your portfolio, however, will still have taken a one-year loss of 20% and a $40,000 withdrawal would represent 5% of its value rather than the original 4%, reducing its projected duration. Or you can take less than your original $40,000 and reduce your consumption. Two mediocre choices.
    3. Use other assets to hold you over. Rather than deplete your nest egg, you can get cash from a home-equity line of credit or reverse mortgage or borrow from a life insurance policy. Of course, these options all cost money and represent dilutions of other asset values imposed by the vagaries of the stock-and-bond marketplace.

Or you can buy a fixed index annuity that protects against market declines so you avoid losses, enables you to remain invested to participate in a share of market gains from a snap-back and guarantees a lifetime floor of income that can grow to keep pace with inflation.

Shouldn’t you give it serious consideration?

Retirement spooking you? Start saving for it now. Newsday

Worried about retirement? Then start to PREPARE:

To reduce the anxiety and uncertainty about your future, educate yourself. “Find books, podcasts and people to help you figure out the steps you need to take and how to create a plan for your future,” says Nahum Daniels, author of Retirement Reset.

Read the full article here: 


Going Where the Research Leads


By Nahum Daniels, CFP®, RICP®


As a client-facing financial advisor (FA), I view myself as an intermediary whose job it is to communicate in the form of sound, actionable advice the latest findings in academic research and retirement theory unearthed at the institutes and centers of retirement studies. As for my pedigree, I’m a product of The American College of Financial Planning located in Bryn Mar, PA, where I earned its Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) designation. Amidst the hundreds of thousands of FA’s in the USA today, there are only 6,000 graduates of this relatively new program, with another 4,000 or so currently enrolled.

I can humbly report that, developed and taught by some of America’s most respected retirement experts, the RICP curriculum is non-trivial. As a CFP practitioner who has specialized in retirement planning for going on two decades, I felt I needed to earn and maintain the designation if only to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I certainly owed that to my clients and any members of the public who could fall within hearing distance or reading range.

In August 2015, Wade Pfau, PhD/CFA, professor of retirement income in the PhD program at The American College, published the results of a quantitative analysis he painstakingly performed comparing immediate annuities to bond funds in retiree nest eggs. It was entitled: Why Bond Funds Don’t Belong in Retirement Portfolios. Pfau’s findings challenge one of Wall Street’s most fundamental dicta: that bonds provide ballast to a balanced portfolio and should therefore comprise 40% to 60% of a retirement portfolio. Instead, Pfau announced that a classic insurance product, the immediate annuity, is a more efficient, higher yielding and far more reliable alternative. Therefore, he concluded, the retirement nest egg should be invested in a combination of income annuities and stocks!

Building on those findings in a paper presented at the 2018 Actuarial Research Conference, Michael Finke PhD, Dean of The American College, presented the results of a study he conducted with David Blanchett PhD, Head of Retirement Research at Morningstar Investment Management, that calculated the increased stock exposure rendered “prudent” in a retirement portfolio thanks to the guaranteed income provided by insurance in the form of an immediate annuity.

Preconceived investment notions were further challenged in January 2018 when Roger Ibbotson PhD, Yale Professor Emeritus of Finance and the world’s leading authority on asset class performance from 1926 to present, announced the results of a study he conducted on the Fixed Index Annuity (FIA), a relatively new insurance product that helps preserve retirement assets from market losses while linking them to those same markets to capture a share of their upside potential. The FIA, Ibbotson reported, could out-perform bonds, especially in rising-rate environments like the one we’re in, and should be considered, he recommended, as an alternative for bonds in de-risking retirement portfolios.

If you’ve read my book, you know I recommend the FIA serve as the anchor of your nest egg’s “stable core” and that balancing a retirement portfolio today means combining insurance and securities—and not just stocks and bonds—in suitable proportion. Now you know the identity of some of my intellectual antecedents and why I’m proud to bring their message to you. I urge you to heed it.

Retirement Planning in a Nutshell



Retirement is a unique stage of our lives that at this writing can last a third or more of the years we strut about on this earth. It has its own financial dynamics, different from earlier stages primarily focused on accumulating wealth. Retirement planning is primarily about spending down the wealth we’ve accumulated. That’s why how we manage our retirement wealth, referred to colloquially as our “nest egg,” differs diametrically from investment approaches we may have applied earlier when achieving our other financial goals.

In a nutshell, retirement planning is about generating replacement cash flow. When you stop earning income, those missing paychecks need to be replaced by regular payments from other sources if you want to continue to sustain the lifestyle to which you aspire and/or have grown accustomed.

Thus, in retirement, cash flow is king, but it’s not just any cash flow. To win at the game, retirement cash flow has to meet seven challenging requirements:

1. It must last a lifetime—or two lifetimes if you have a spouse or significant other you care about. But longevity increases with each passing year, so the duration of your retirement income must be open-ended. You simply don’t know how many years you may have.

2. Running out can mean literal ruin, so If you can get it, you want that life-long income to be guaranteed. Say what? What does a “guarantee” even mean in today’s financial world?

3. Retirement income must be impervious to market volatility and losses. The vagaries of global financial markets—including bond markets— must not be allowed to reduce it, because once reduced it’s hard to recover prior levels.

4. Somehow, your retirement income needs to increase to keep up with inflation averaging at least 2% to 4% a year. Without compensating for that erosive force, your purchasing power will lose ground, i.e. you will grow poorer. A fixed income—the same amount paid year in and year out like a pension—simply won’t cut it.

5. Your core income should be at least enough to sustain your desired consumption, i.e., your lifestyle. In our economy, you don’t want to stop consuming. While you can, you need to keep doing so for your own sense of pride; the economy needs you to consume because consumption is its life spring.

6. Ideally, your growing income floor should be reliably under your personal control, pouring out of your properly invested nest egg. This makes you self-reliant. Facing an age of acute uncertainty, you want to be self-reliant.

7. Your core income floor can then be supplemented with cash flow from other sources, like Social Security and a Pension, to create a surplus. If you can see to it, your guaranteed lifetime income should be more than you (think you) need so you can feel free to be generous to yourself and others—without living in constant dread of depletion.

Sounds like a tall order, doesn’t it? That’s because generating “free cash flow” in retirement in the form of guaranteed surpluses is just that. If you think you can do it yourself, good luck. If you’re working with an advisor, make sure he or she knows the real objective and can show you how to achieve it. The good news is that thanks to some of today’s most ingenious financial innovations, it can be done.

8 Things to Do After Retiring Early


Keep an emergency fund. Unexpected events can happen at any time, and having a stash you can draw from during a crisis will bring peace of mind. “If you face an emergency without [an emergency fund], you’ll need to tap into your nest egg,” says Nahum Daniels, a financial planner and author of “Retire Reset!: What You Need to Know and Your Financial Advisor May Not Be Telling You.” This could drain your retirement funds much faster than planned. However, if you do have to dip into your long-term savings, talk to your financial advisor to evaluate your options. “Start by withdrawing from the account that has the lowest growth and that will have the least tax impact,” Daniels says.

MONEY MATTERS (Podcast): Retire Reset

Certified Financial Planner Nahum Daniels explores his portfolio ideas with host Chris Hinsley; a deep dive into the topic of retirement risks and the latest thinking about managing them successfully.   Explains his purpose in writing his book to inform retirees and their advisors about the latest research and findings in retirement dynamics.  Portfolio focus shifts from growth to yield and lifelong income.  Personal nest egg, retirement wealth, must be invested accordingly. Inflation is a major drag on purchasing power.

The Winning Formula

Winning at retirement means playing the long game, the very long game.  Planning ahead, through saving and investing, is essential to fund a “nest egg;” positioning your nest egg to protect it against untimely losses while compounding adequate returns secures it; eventually  converting your nest egg into a personal pension focused on maximizing lifetime income gets you to the finish line.

As true as the foregoing formula may be for males, it’s even truer for females. As a rule, women outlive men.  That’s why when we dig deep we discover that retirement planning is really about providing for spouses and significant others.  That was certainly the original intent of the Social Security program when it was initiated in 1934; its purpose was to protect survivors from destitution rather than to sustain workers on a decades-long golf outing.  Alas, improvements in life expectancy and the unbridled generosity of politicians building a welfare state have transformed the Federal government into a huge insurance company—with taxing power and a standing  army.

Which brings us to one of today’s greatest headwinds facing contemporary baby boomers.

I’m referring to our national debt and its service.  Both the debt itself and the cost of maintaining it are unprecedentedly high and persistently growing.  What’s often  missed in their exposition are the threats they pose specifically to retiree security.

So allow me a few words on the subject (for more cf. Chapter 5, “The Money Makers,” in my new best seller, Retire Reset!).  At this writing, our national debt stands at $21 Trillion and according to the Congressional Budget Office long-term outlook released in July 2018, the GOP tax cuts and bipartisan spending increases enacted in Fall 2017 will add at least $2.3 Trillion in the next ten years, and possibly as much as $5.1 Trillion (not counting extraordinary expenses that might be imposed by new wars, financial crises, an economic downturn, municipal pension failures or natural calamities).   What will be the impact on retirees over the next 15 years?  The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is projected to run out in 2026 followed by the Social Security Trust Fund in 2032.  Those effects mean materially reduced benefits—unless of course the federal government comes to the rescue with emergency funding.

But here’s the rub.  Reduced government revenue combined with increased government spending also means growing annual deficits. In fact, the deficit could reach $1 Trillion as soon as next year and certainly not long thereafter. The big question is with short-term rates still just around 2%, what happens when they reach the mid-3% range, which the Federal Reserve is preparing us to expect?  Interest payable at 3.5% on debt of $25 Trillion will amount to $1 Trillion in and of itself. Interest payments as a percentage of the federal budget will grow, crowding out other expenditures including federal assistance to states and funding for social safety net programs. Where are the Social Security Rescue Funds supposed to come from especially if Washington will also be called upon to bail out failed municipal and state pensions?

To be counted among retirement’s last winners, you’re going to need to be self-reliant, confidently invested in a properly diversified nest egg prudently balanced between insurance and securities.

Learning how to shift your focus on portfolio balance is your indispensable first step.  Take it now.  Time is of the essence.

How to Deal With a Financial Emergency in Retirement, US News & World Report

Make smart, careful moves to cover unexpected expenses in retirement.

LIFE EVENTS LIKE A natural disaster, health crisis or expensive home repair have one factor in common: They come when you least expect them. Most Americans (55 percent) worry about what they would do when faced with a financial emergency, according to the 2018 Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress Study. And stress levels only increase if you are on a fixed income. “Unexpected and uncovered emergencies can literally ruin a retirement plan,” says Nahum Daniels, a wealth advisor in Stamford, Connecticut.

If you’re retired and facing a financial emergency, here are some of the best approaches to gather funds, cover the costs and move forward without going into debt.

Tap easy-to-access funds. If you have an emergency fund, now is the time to use it. When gathering additional sources of cash, check for accounts that are simple to access and won’t have a hefty tax impact. “If you have money in a savings account at the bank, start withdrawing from that before you tap your IRA,” Daniels says.


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OUR LIVES: The Retirement Crisis among Minorities in particular, especially in Connecticut

Certified Financial Planner and best-selling author of “Retire Reset” Nahum Daniels stresses the importance of saving safely for retirement and not being overly dependent on public programs that tend to be underfunded and over-promised.  Nest egg is most important retirement asset.  We need a mind set that focuses on protecting and nurturing it.